CSIRO, Clayton Campus
Melbourne, Victoria
The FloWorks Centre for Industrial Flow Chemistry is a technology platform that provides access to advanced research into processing for Australian and International chemical manufacturers. This project redefines the notion of a hazardous chemistry facility into a hub for CSIRO industrial collaboration and a show-piece to inspire and nurture collaboration, whilst being a fundamentally safe operational chemistry laboratory.
This new fitout, in an existing 1989 Process Bay, is an exemplar for chemical science and new directions in flow chemistry and the advantages it brings to both operator safety and the protection of the environment.
Importantly, it has significant dangerous goods considerations and the team worked together to redefine many aspects of this functional typology. Specialised reactor booths and vented cabinets were developed to enable flow chemistry research to be undertaken in a highly visible, yet safe environment. The focus on gas reticulation (including high pressure hydrogen), installation and operational requirements have been a key part of the success.
The centre operates state of the art flow chemistry technology and provides small to medium enterprises a space to con-duct research and development services and drive innovation in R&D for Hydrogen research and clean and green technologies

Images by L2D Architects.